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Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Инженер, геолог-нефтяник и исследователь технологии получения свободной энергии Дональд Л. Смит построил целую линейку сверхъединичных генераторов на основе работ Тесла, как утверждал сам Д.Смит, свои видения процессов описал и задокументировал, согласно документам и многочисленным видео и фото Смиту удалось создать устройства как на малую мощность так и на достаточно существенную, но в современном мире его устройства не получили применения.
Сообщения: 441
Зарегистрирован: 26 июл 2017, 02:15
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение elisagroup »

Бунк хорошо работает в фотошопе :ok: Тот рисунок отрывок вот этого рисунка с ДВД что Смит продавал.
Переведу, как найду свободное время
Сообщения: 1120
Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2017, 16:27
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение dynatron »

elisagroup писал(а): 22 авг 2018, 14:31 Бунк хорошо работает в фотошопе :ok: Тот рисунок отрывок вот этого рисунка с ДВД что Смит продавал.
Переведу, как найду свободное время
Сама по себе схема умышленно испорчена))
Со съемной катушки напрямую на кваровые конденсаторы- это мощно))
Ну, да пару деталей забыл рисануть))
херня что съемная обмотка будет шунтировать выходной трансформатор))
А ну да :lol:
В книжке за 10 баксов вот так взял и все сереты рисанул)) :biggrin:
Хотя зарядка аккумулятора нарисована правильно..
Аватара пользователя
Extint Spin
Сообщения: 928
Зарегистрирован: 03 апр 2018, 13:29
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Контактная информация:

Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение Extint Spin »

dynatron писал(а): 22 авг 2018, 16:31... ансформатор))
А ну да :lol:
В книжке за 10 баксов вот так взял и все сереты рисанул)) :biggrin:
Хотя зарядка аккумулятора нарисована правильно..
где вы там-чего разобрали.......?

Сергей (?), вы должно быть знаете "где фикус", разъяснили бы доходчиво...
... жалко? ...
Сообщения: 441
Зарегистрирован: 26 июл 2017, 02:15
Репутация: 201

Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение elisagroup »

в данном случае скорее всего имеется ввиду вот эта катушка от Компании J.W. Miller Company (рисунок с ДВД Смита)

То есть эта та катушка что видна на доске Смита. Катушку видимо использовали в качестве фильтров, там две катушки для двух линии (так и написано в даташите, Dual-line filter choke). По способу намотки видно что он с мин. межвитковой емкостью.
Сообщения: 1120
Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2017, 16:27
Репутация: 616

Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение dynatron »

Extint Spin писал(а): 22 авг 2018, 18:51
dynatron писал(а): 22 авг 2018, 16:31... ансформатор))
А ну да :lol:
В книжке за 10 баксов вот так взял и все сереты рисанул)) :biggrin:
Хотя зарядка аккумулятора нарисована правильно..
где вы там-чего разобрали.......?

Сергей (?), вы должно быть знаете "где фикус", разъяснили бы доходчиво...
... жалко? ...
Все сложно и просто одновременно.
Катушка тесла дает усиление по напряжению.
Разгон катушки тесла после удара в индуктор идет 2-5 периодов в зависимости от связи между первичкой и вторичкой.
В момент максимальной амплитуды конденсатор вторичной обмотки надо слить - напрмер в кондженсаторы, одновременно преобразовав высоковольтное напряжение в низковольтное- опять же например с помощью понижающего ТТ или с помощью бустерного дросселя.
Сливать естесственнонадо с выпрямлением, например через диодный мост.
На конденсаторх временного хранения имеем холодное электричество с преобладанием магнитных зарядов.
Дальнейшее преобразование происходит через инвертор с резонансным трансформатором (кондер на первичной обмотке)
Первичная обмотка выходного трансформатора работает в режиме сверхпроводимости, поэтому захват энергии с окружающей среды больше потерь в самом трансформаторе.
Усиление получается как в самом трансформаторе тесла, так и в выходном изолирующем трансформаторе.
Уровень этого усиления зависит от геомагнитного фона окружающей среды.
Вам не кажется странным, что перебрав охренительное количество схем- нихрена не выходит?
Да и не выйдет, уже только по той причине, что среднеевропейский фон заметно ниже, чем например в колорадо, и естественно прирост энергии слебенький. Добротность, качество и правильность сборки схемы естесственно имеют большую роль..
Но она не настолько существенна как количество свободной магнитной энергии в окружающей среде.
Единственный вариант - четко измерять усиление каскадов установки, и каскадировать для получения нужного количества электрической энергии.
В самих катушках ниркакого волшебства нет :pardon:
Сообщения: 1120
Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2017, 16:27
Репутация: 616

Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение dynatron »

Ersh писал(а): 22 авг 2018, 21:35
dynatron писал(а): 22 авг 2018, 21:25
Extint Spin писал(а): 22 авг 2018, 18:51
dynatron писал(а): 22 авг 2018, 16:31... ансформатор))
А ну да :lol:
В книжке за 10 баксов вот так взял и все сереты рисанул)) :biggrin:
Хотя зарядка аккумулятора нарисована правильно..
где вы там-чего разобрали.......?

Сергей (?), вы должно быть знаете "где фикус", разъяснили бы доходчиво...
... жалко? ...
Все сложно и просто одновременно.
Катушка тесла дает усиление по напряжению.
Разгон катушки тесла после удара в индуктор идет 2-5 периодов в зависимости от связи между первичкой и вторичкой.
В момент максимальной амплитуды конденсатор вторичной обмотки надо слить - напрмер в кондженсаторы, одновременно преобразовав высоковольтное напряжение в низковольтное- опять же например с помощью понижающего ТТ или с помощью бустерного дросселя.
Сливать естесственнонадо с выпрямлением, например через диодный мост.
На конденсаторх временного хранения имеем холодное электричество с преобладанием магнитных зарядов.
Дальнейшее преобразование происходит через инвертор с резонансным трансформатором (кондер на первичной обмотке)
Первичная обмотка выходного трансформатора работает в режиме сверхпроводимости, поэтому захват энергии с окружающей среды больше потерь в самом трансформаторе.
Усиление получается как в самом трансформаторе тесла, так и в выходном изолирующем трансформаторе.
Уровень этого усиления зависит от геомагнитного фона окружающей среды.
Вам не кажется странным, что перебрав охренительное количество схем- нихрена не выходит?
Да и не выйдет, уже только по той причине, что среднеевропейский фон заметно ниже, чем например в колорадо, и естественно прирост энергии слебенький. Добротность, качество и правильность сборки схемы естесственно имеют большую роль..
Но она не настолько существенна как количество свободной магнитной энергии в окружающей среде.
Единственный вариант - четко измерять усиление каскадов установки, и каскадировать для получения нужного количества электрической энергии.
В самих катушках ниркакого волшебства нет :pardon:
Динатрон,у тебя есть предположения ,что такое ,,усилитель тока,, или что могет быть вместо него? .В момент максимальной амплитуды конденсатор вторичной обмотки надо слить - напрмер в кондженсаторы, одновременно преобразовав высоковольтное напряжение в низковольтное- опять же например с помощью понижающего ТТ или с помощью бустерного дросселя. уж не это ли ,,усил.тока,,?
Я думаю, что это выражение "усилитель тока" не имеет ничего общего с усилением тока)
Усиление мощности- - соглашусь
Ну подумай сам, ток- это проиводная величина от напряжения и сопротивления нагрузки.
Согласно закону ома ток не может увеличиваться при одном и том же напряжении))
Другой вопрос, если источник напряжения не может выдать нужное количество ампер))
Усиление всеравно идет по напряжению, т.е. от слабого источника напржение может проваливаться, а если к этому слабому источнику в разрыв цепи добавитьь например батарейку- напряжение увеличится и ток тоже в нагрузке увеличится/))
Но увеличение тока- это лишь следствие от увеличения напряжения :wink:
На самом деле просто к мощности слабого инвертора добавляется мощность катушки тесла. Источнитком электромагнитной сверхъеденичной мощности является ТТ, а энергию он берет из окружающего электромагнитного фона.
Сообщения: 1120
Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2017, 16:27
Репутация: 616

Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение dynatron »

На выходе установки уже нормальное гальвани электричество, подчиняющееся закону ома..
Сообщения: 102
Зарегистрирован: 26 сен 2017, 07:11
Репутация: 35

Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение Sergey777 »

в архиве попались 2а файла интервью с Аль-Бялеком за 1991\1992 года.
Информация по этому человеку и тому что он говорит есть в интернете, но совершенно не та что в этих файлах.
Антон, к устройствам это не относится, куда положить не знаю, перемести пожалуйста где им место.
Думаю что многим будет интересно прочитать даже в хромом переводе гугла...

Interview with Al Bialek 1991
Interview with Al Bialek 1991
Al Bialek, noted lecturer on the famous "Philadelphia Experiment" and the time travel/mind control experiments of the "Montauk Project," recently spoke with The Scribe interview team in Yelm.
Bialek gave an update on the current use of mind control and psychic warfare, and also offered a more detailed account of his experience in the Montauk Project. Montauk, also known as the Phoenix Project, used Bialek and his brother Duncan Cameron, to explore the underground cities of Mars.

SS: Sovereign Scribe - AB: Al Bialek

SS: Regarding your experience on Mars you walked through the time tunnel, you take a step and you're on Mars: What did you see?

AB: Well I was not on the surface of Mars. We were in the underground. The story goes back to the Alternative 3 book, the TV production in England outlining the fact that we have Mars bases, one or more, Provided by a joint operation with the US. government. I do not know if the Russians are in on it - and aliens. They are on the surface bases It's a World Government operation really, that's not strictly the United States government.

After they were on the surface which was about 1969, they found that there where entrances to the underground sealed and they knew there was something down there. The rumors were that there was probably artifacts from an ancient civilization buried underground because there were a lot of remains above ground, ruined cities that have been there by NASA's estimates maybe 300,000 years, 250,000 years. But they found the entrances all blocked, all scaled off to any underground areas. So the word went back through communications (in the late 70's) to whomever back to the Montauk and Phoenix project, "Can you do anything about this for us? We can't get into the underground of Mars." They said, "Yes, I think we can. Give us some coordinates on the surface of the planet. We'll have to run astronomical computation." Which they did and plugged these all into the computer. They wanted two people to go and it happened to be Duncan and myself.

SS: Why two?

AB: To corroborate what the other one saw and also in case there was any problems in the underground. They didn't really know what was down there.

So they sent us and we went up there in the underground. [Using the Montauk Time-Space "Tunnel" device, developed as a result of the Philadelphia Experiment. (See Scribe issues 9,13 and 14.)] There was a problem with light. We had to take lighting with us at the time. Lateron, if I remember, we found some of their light sources and turned those on. We found eventually that the last remnants of the Martians, if you wish to call them that, died in the underground between 10 and 20,000 years ago by estimate, and they left everything they had of their civilization underground. We found enormous amounts of statuary which appeared to be religious.

SS: What did they look like? How big were they?

AB: Typically 6,7,8 foot tall, stone, gems embedded in them and so forth.

SS. These were of human-like people?

AB: Yes. They were quite well preserved. Then we found archives. We found a lot of scientific equipment. We found electronic equipment down there; tons and tons of stuff. And the rumor was also later that ... I didn't recall until Duncan reminded me of it about a week ago. he said, "Don't forget the 17,000 metric tons of Martian gold they took out. According to his recollection of it, it was very strange gold. It was 5 times denser than ours. It was worth an unbelievable fortune. Where it went we have no idea, but it was returned to Montauk and from there it went somewhere. There were several authorized trips. And Duncan and I got the bright idea since everything was in the computer let's take a trip or two on our own and do our own exploring. So we did. After the second one it was found out and we were stopped. That was when he got into the archives and found enormous records of the civilization which was buried down there.

SS: What did you find out?

AB: He as the one that read them. I couldn't read them.

SS. He didn't tell you?

AB: No. Well he did at the time but I can't remember any of it now. It's a very strange memory. On again, off again, and that part of it was never made clear to me as to what he really found. Right after that we were removed.

But I do remember some of the other installations we saw down there. They had very odd, large generators of some type. If you did not see it, I recommend that you go see the movie Total Recall. In fact it was seeing that movie that reminded me of the fact that I had been there. Not the colonies but the shots of the underground where they showed these large, round canisters where the director said these were probably for oxygen generation. I'm not quite sure but we think so. I looked at them and said, "They're not round. They're hexagonal." And I asked myself, "how the hell did I know that?" So that was our view of Mars from the underground. We didn't see hardly a thing of it from the surface.

SS: Did you see ice under the surface like in Total Recall?

All: Ice? No.

SS: If I remember the Movie, that's what they melted a lot of ice to create the atmosphere.

AB: It was not ice under there. There were oxygen generators and they also had some storage. There was a generating system which apparently the ancients had left. I don't really know much about it. but it was activated before they moved the surface colonies in. They also melted down the polar caps. The rumors are that they used a hydrogen bomb or two for that. I don't know if that's true. But they did melt down a lot of the polar ice so they would have some water. It's still sparse but they have it. The atmosphere is thin but they have atmosphere. And the temperature is warm enough. In the equatorial region they have no problem surviving. It runs about 50o and of course the astronomers have known this for about 50 years or more. It's quite livable in terms of temperature.

SS: The lighting that you mentioned. What was that like?

AB: Unknown form of illumination, after we found out how to turn it on. Some of the power generators are still working. After we turned on the underground lighting we had no lack of light. Otherwise we had to carry our own and portable lighting was not all that effective because we were dealing with larger underground chambers, several hundred feet across high ceiling and portable lights are not very good for a large chamber like that. Eventually we found where they had their own lighting. It was very bright.

SS: Have you any information on the face on Mars?

AB: Not that I remember in the underground. There's more than one face on Mars, by the way. They found several. But I remember the NASA announcements some years ago, about 2 years ago that they're receiving a low frequency radio transmission from Mars. It was about 50 kilohertz, if I remember correctly. Quite a low level indicating the equipment or whatever it was that was generating the RF signal, and it was coded, was quite old and probably nearly worn out, so they were amazed there was anything still coming out of it but it was enough of a signal that they could pick it up and put it through the computer and transcribe it. It was a warning. A warning message to humans not to repeat the mistakes they made.

SS: Do you have any feelings about being on Mars? What were your general impressions?

AB: We were digging in there remains of an old civilization that preceded ours and it felt very peculiar. To look at what was left at what was once a great civilization and realize that they literally died there and left everything behind and that eventually the thing shutdown. It was in the underground deliberately apparently was survival because the circle cities had long since been destroyed and they lived down there and stayed there.

From what I understand of it, a number of the Martians survived whatever the attack was on the surface eventually took off for Earth and others decided to stay behind on Mars in the underground. And quite literally their progeny eventually died out and the whole race that was left behind on Mars died out. It's rather a strange feeling to realize that the remnants of a race died out in the underground totally. They just left all their hardware behind.

SS: In Rod Steiger's book he spoke of March 18th, 1990, as being important dates in the history of the PSI-Corps. That's during those dates their equipment was zapped and all the psychics resigned March 20th. Could you explain all this?

AB: Well, basically what had happened was a very strange story. In January 1990 Psi-Corps received some new hardware because NSA has been working on this for years; psionic-type hardware that boosts the mind and its capabilities of people who already have a great deal of capability it becomes quite formidable.

They found themselves, after that infusion of new equipment, after learning how to use it, with the capability of locating a picture buried in someone's files anywhere or tracking a missing file or missing information that they had instructions to recover or locate. They didn't do the recovery they merely located it. And how we found out about this was a very interesting story.

Back in November of 1989, Duncan had told me, he said that I would have the proof of the Philadelphia Experiment in my hands during March of 1990. Well it seems like during that weekend, that particular Sunday, preceding the walk out, I was in Phoenix. I was out for lunch that Sunday and a phone message was waiting for me that Preston had called and he was in a panic. When I finally got him on the phone it was already too late. But he told me that a person had visited him.

You see his father had been a senior scientist in the Navy working on the Philadelphia project. And that before the scientist died he told his son what had happened; that he had certain files and that he was turning them over to his son but he advised his son not to ever tell anyone about it. So this guy, unidentified to me never fold anyone about what he had.

One week prior to the visitation with Preston he gets a knock on his door. Government agents. "We want to search your house." "Well what for?" "Get out of our way." And they start tearing his house apart. He knew what they were looking for. He didn't have it there, but he said, "I don't know what you're looking for." And they didn't find it. It took several days. And he shook them. And he went and got his stash of files which contained two roles of film of Rainbow 3 and Rainbow 4 which were the two Eldridge tests plus a stack of papers, still highly classified, apparently, from what Preston said, because they wound up in Preston's hands.

So he started calling his friends to see who could take cafe of this and take it off of his hands because the government agents were right behind him about two hours right behind him trailing him. None of his friends would touch it, those that he got through to. And he finally got to the end of a long list of people and Preston Nichols was at the bottom of the list. He called Preston and he was home. He said, "I'm coming over to give you something." "Well what's this all about?" "I'll be there at such and such a time."

He goes over and hands him the file and the film and tells him the story about his father and the government agents and so forth. Preston says, "Well what am I going to do with it?" He says, "I don't know. It's your problem now. The government agents are about two hours behind me." He takes Preston out and shows him his car with bullet holes in the door and he says, "I'm getting out of here." And he left.

Preston in a panic tried to get a hold of anybody he knew that day, including myself, I was not reachable. Duncan, previous in that morning, got wind of something, due to his psychic sensitivity, something very heavy coming down. lie took off from Preston's, went home, went into his bedroom, locked the door and crawled under the bedsheets until about 5:00 that afternoon. This is a fact. He panicked. He would not even answer the phone. He shut off his answering machine.

So this comes down. Preston can't get a hold of me. Finally when he did get through (I called him) he said, "Well I called up NSA and told them I had some very hot material here that I don't want." They asked " What is it?" And he told them. They said, "Well we don't want it." He says "I've got to get rid of this stuff it's black card clearance level: So he said, "Allright we'll send some F.B.I. agents to pick it up. So they eventually arrived and he turned it over the them after verifying that they were F.B.I. He got rid of the whole business. Then I called after that, and I still haven't forgiven him for it. But the interesting connection to get back to your question about the Psi-Corps, is that we finally put together the fact that with the new equipment they were able to identify a photograph if it's in somebody's file and apparently they have standing orders to find any information whatever dealing with the Philadelphia Experiment and make damn sure I didn't get it. And they spotted something and found out who this guy was and they sent out the government agents and this whole story ensued about this man who's father was the senior scientist. And we don't know what happened to it. We never saw it again.

In any case, the next day, from information I had, there was a big rumble in the Psi-Corps, and they were warned by somebody on the outside who was a little friendly to us to get the blazes out of there, that all of your installations are going to be melted down, literally. And they were warned to get out. All of them walked out except ten who were brand new recruits who had been told to defend the machines with their lives and they did literally. They died, the rest walked out, out of the government's service and disappeared. There was a panic meeting with the President...

SS: Who melted the equipment down?

AB: Alien there's none ... let us put it this way - extra terrestrials.

SS Do you know who they are?

AB: Yes, but I will not say.

SS. Are these the same ET's that Preston said melted down the buzzsaw antenna at McArthur airport around the Thanksgiving weekend last year?

AB: Yes, basically. And they took care of four sites in the US. one at Fort Meade and there were three other locations. I believe one was Atlanta and another in the New Orleans area and one somewhere in the West. Everyone of them walked out and disappeared. The locations were melted down. The President had a panic, practically apoplexy, tried to call back the old director who was in retirement. He said it was an emergency, we need to talk with you. So he came down to talk with them. I'll only give this man's first name - it's Emil. He was already 90 in age. And they told him the problem. He said, "I'll look at it but I won't give you my answer for about 3 days. I'll tell you then whether or not I'll come back and reorganize this, whole operation for you."

In the meantime they contacted NASA to try to get NASA to give up their psychic agents, not Psi-Corps, who are trained for a different mission and are not trained in pairs but individually. NASA told them to go shave it and got away with it. They said, "We're not trained to do the work you're doing. You can't have our people. "So finally on that following Friday, Emil came back to the President and said, "My answer is no. There's no way I'll come back and do anything for you. You're in deep trouble as it is and you're going to be in a lot deeper trouble in about 30 days." And he packed up and left. And I presume that that was the last we've seen of him at least in those quarters.

But the Psi-Corps remained dissolved until ... they tried to recruit new people and they did pick up a few but nothing like what they had before because it takes 4 years now to train them, it used to be 5.

SS. So they're building it is back up again.

AB: They've been trying to build it back up. Then before the beginning of the so-called Mid-East War with Iraq, they made a deal as part of the situation building up to the declaration of war wherein we got all of the backing from British European nations with the exception of Germany, they went to them as part of the deal and asked the British and French and Russian Governments, who all had their own Psi-Corps, if they would loan again numbers to the U.S. Government for their operations. And they did. They got transfers and built up the whole organization to the original strength overnight.

Now they had a little bit of a shock because the new group tried to bring somebody back into their group to run the operation, Emil, and from what I understand, he was spirited out from right out of the midst of them, again by E.T.'s, and they were told this could never happen under any circumstances, that they were ultra-secure in their facilities. That shook them up. They all walked out. They are now at point zero.

SS. So they waked out a second time

AB: That's right. That's the information I have. And the government is left holding the bag once more. And as far as I'm concerned they Can continue to hold the bag - empty.

Psi-Corps organization is not vicious, they are not vicious people, they're very well trained, sensitives and psychics who have a mission. The basic mission has been, in more recent years, not the original one in the first 5-10 years, where they were used for assassination. But they finally drew the line on this when NSA was formed and they became part of NSA in 1949-50 because their original genesis was in 1940 under Harry Bennett under the Roosevelt administration. But they said, "We will not do assassination any more because you have other organizations and intelligence groups that can do this much better than we can so we refuse to do it." But everything else they would still do and that was basically: psychic espionage in this country, outside this country and anywhere on this planet; obtaining information about anything that the government wanted to know that was not obtainable through the normal intelligence channels; or say too many agents got killed or something; let us say they wanted to look at the inside of some super secret Russian or Chinese installation or whatever it may be. The psychics could look inside of it and see what they want. They could read books off their desks, reports off a desk, filch them out of a file.

SS. They could dematerialize them?

AR: Yes they could. They could start a fire in a filing cabinet a couple thousand miles away if they wanted to do that or if were so instructed.

SS: They could plant disinformation also?

AB: Theoretically they could. They could transport small objects. They had their psycho-kinetic ability well trained. It was not that they could move large objects, they couldn't. But small objects like a piece of paper or a small package of paper like a report they could handle. They had a lot of capability.

They were also very heavily brainwashed and very heavily let us say, indoctrinated in the government's service and what they were to do and indoctrinated to the point that they totally accepted the protocols under which they operated. And this of course meant that they were loyal to the service, to the government. The only mores and ethics they knew was what the government told them they had and this was implanted. impregnated, conditioned into them to the point where there's hardly an change. I've only known of two people, I will not go into this in detail, who decided to walk out and succeeded in doing so. But when they surfaced it started the largest manhunt in the history of this country to find those two and bring them back into the government's service.

Preston saw the police reports, the F.B.I. file reports because the police can came into one of the swap meets, drove right up the aisles where there's not supposed to be any car, virtually pushed people out of the way, stopped right at Preston's exhibit and said, "You're friends with ____________." Preston says "What are you talking about?" "You know what we mean." And Preston looked down on the police car's front seat and there was the F.B.I. dossier and the picture of the individual and the names of both of them they wanted, and if any information is obtained about the whereabouts of these two, I'll not give the names, report immediately to the F.B.I. office in Philadelphia, Pa. They never did catch them. They were much too smart. They knew what they were doing.

They also stole a few pieces of government hardware in the process including ... I might as well say it... the government has alternate reality generators, the portable type a person could carry in a small suitcase and they can ship themselves and that suitcase with them into an alternate reality and they cannot be traced. They cannot be found.

SS: Kind of park themselves in another...

AB: Park themselves in another universe, so to speak, parallel to our own, very similar to ours as I've gone into in my lectures, the parallel reality thing. The government has the hardware for this, portable. They've had it for years. I don't know how long. And they had it and used it to keep out of sight and they would every so often look in on what was going on and find out the police were there and they'd say, "Well, they can stay there, we'll stay here. "The final outcome was these two people whom I knew from years before under circumstances I won't go into or it might identify them, eventually hitched a ride off planet and took a shuttle. There are shuttles regularly from this planet to Alpha Centauri 4 which by agreement is a safe haven for people wanted by the U.S. Government. There's a treaty. It takes about 12 hours to get them. Apparently they took all of their family which meant sisters, brothers, father, mother, whatever, with them. As far as I know they're still there.

SS: Who runs the shuttle?

AB: Presumably the Alpha Centauri Government, but I don't know. But it's on a regular basis twice a week. The landing point I have no idea where it is. Of course they guard it secret.

SS: What is their body form like?

AR: Alpha Centauri? Like humans, exactly the same. There's a much lower population on their planet. They're not overpopulated. They're an advanced civilization, a little ahead of us - not a great deal, but somewhat ahead of us. They don't like things like government headbashing and that sort of thing and they way they treat some of the government agents they no longer have any use for or whatever, if they are approached, and I don't know how it's done, if they are approached and asked for asylum, if they issue the card, you just get on the shuttle and that's it, you're there. Beyond that I don't know. I haven't seen them since.

That's a very interesting little side issue and our government doesn't like it particularly but there is sonic kind of a treaty and they honor it. Apparently there is that type of treaty with other governments elsewhere, and I gather it is all Earth governments or includes outside governments I'm not sure. I have the feeling it includes outside governments too. There's regular communication, I don't know if Preston went into this about the Super Luminary Communication Systems that were developed by ITT in the 1960's. It's another one of those little developments that come out of all of this business evolving from the Philadelphia Experiment and the spin-offs from that and research done by ITT because they were involved in the background of that program to some extent. They were very involved and were the principle contractor for the Phoenix Project, but they also had a lot of other little games also. One of them was building a whole new communication system. This was research based on higher order energies and the effects and the propagation rates and studied all this and found out. "This is all very interesting. With a sixth order energy we can develop a communication system with a propagation rate C6, that's C to the 6th power. They now have one C8, C to the 8th power.

SS: C being the speed of light?

AB: C is the speed of light, to the 8th power. That's so fast they can literally communicate clear across our galaxy with nothing more than a phase shifter. There is essentially no delay. With the C' system there was a delay so they went to the 8th. 50,000 light-years across our galaxy and they can do it in a fraction of a second.

So Einstein was wrong in one sense. Nothing can go faster than the speed of light? It can. It's long since been done. It was probably done long since he made the statement. Einstein did relent of some of his statements in earlier years before he died but it was not publicly stated that he had.

SS: Speaking of aliens and technology, do you know which aliens Tesla talked to? to?

AB: The Pleiadians basically that was one of his principle communication groups. Also a group called the K group. K stands for Kondrashkin. That's the best literal translation of English. They were sort of light green skinned humanoid like with no hair. If you put them up in the right garb and bleached their skin and put an old fashioned wig on them they'd pass very readily for an Englishman. Not that I'm trying to cast any kind of aspersions on English people but they most readily pass for English. And the dye or powder or whatever they put on their skin didn't last more than two weeks. Then there were 2 others and I don't know who they were. When you start calling out into space you don't know who is going to answer. And they did. Tesla knew 11 or 12 languages and I presume these people communicated back in English but I don't know that for certain. I wasn't there I only heard the stories from 2 other researchers who had worked with him before he died. I'm told of the equipment and the fact that he did communicate on an almost daily basis with somebody from the outside.

SS: You mentioned Reichian Programming in your lectures. How would one know if one was hit by it?

AB: You wouldn't after it was over. They pulled this system on Duncan once for certain maybe more than once and we have a friend back east who worked in a hospital who's seen the equipment, know what it does and what it's capable of. Preston's checked into the records and found that this particular type of advanced technology, electroshock therapy equipment is what they officially call it. It's now very advanced computerized with floppy disks and very small electrodes instead of the old big patch pads they used to put on people and tape the down. They now have tiny little probes 50 millimeters square and they attach them to certain critical sensitive points on the body, about 8 of them. And there's a computer program they now use which will induce the Reichian orgiastic state by electronics and hold it to that state and in that condition a human mind from conscious to subconscious is completely aligned and opened.

Consequently you can remove buried information in the subconscious, reprogram the person, do whatever you want in that sense. And when the program is over they close it down, restore the person to the so-called normal state with either blocks on memory of the whole thing happening or a whole total implant of what went on that day as a substitute to memory or whatever they want to do. They usually put in a substitute memory. It's happened to Duncan once. We had quite a time running that down but we did.

They can do this to anyone they want. They grab them physically and take them off to one of the hospitals. The law is that any hospital or institution in the U.S. that accepts federal funding must by law have one of these machines on their premises and there must be certain personnel, very limited, trained in its use. Now it can be used for "nominal" electroshock therapy in the normal mode which doctors use, thought it's much more sophisticated now and less damaging. Or they can use it for reprogramming, the same piece of equipment. But to do the reprogramming requires a special floppy disk, which is kept under lock and key and can only be used by certain government personnel.

When they do this number of the reprogramming it's done by government personnel. It is not normally shown [in] their records and there is never a charge made back to a hospital organization or to a hospitalization fund or medical fund of any kind, that is paid for 100% by the federal government and the record's swept under the rug. They put it once on Duncan and they tried to do it again.

SS: They physically snatched him?

AB: Oh yes. We had quite a time tracking this down that one Sunday. But they did do that. It's based on Reich's principle, his old theories. The original programming techniques were more physical, but now they can do it electronically. It's much clearer, so to speak, much easier to accomplish and much easier to cover the tracks. And the law says these instruments, pieces of equipment, shall be made available to non-federally funded institutions. They recommend that they have them but there's no requirement.

SS: Before going on, how do you feel about all this? Do you want to get revenge on these guys?

Where do you stand personally on this?

AB: I would love to get back at some of ... Well, where do I stand? Number one I feel it's long since time that the public knows the facts about how their government has lied to them practically about everything from politics to science to cover-up of secret projects and the abductions of People by the government, I'm not talking about aliens, by the government for reprogramming - plugging them into special projects against their will. Then when they're done with them they either return them to normal life or deep sexing them in many cases.

SS: You sound angry. Are you?

AB: Oh yeah. I'm very angry about it because they wrecked my life, they wrecked Duncan's life, they wrecked the lives of a number of other people who I knew who were on that project, the original Philadelphia Project. They didn't wreck so many lives from the Phoenix Project in terms of breaking family relations and all this sort of thing. But they did eliminate a number of people who were involved in the Phoenix Project. They were literally killed, some accidentally, some deliberate and otherwise reprogrammed and shipped off the God knows where. And a lot of them were shipped off to another time frame so they never were returned to their original point of origin and live their life out wherever they are, under what conditions who knows.

The massive redistribution, if you want to put it that way, of people, reprogramming them is something which is totally alien to our Constitution and our concepts, not only our religious concepts of freedom, hut our political concepts of freedom as we have known it under the Constitution for almost 200 years. The Constitution has existed longer but I say almost 200 years because these government programs have come into play since about 1947 and they get worse every year and they're not restricted to the U.S. But the U.S. seems to be the most vicious in it, by far the most vicious. The suppression of men and the control of the men media is by far the worst in the U,S. It's much worse than in Russia. There's more freedom to speak in Russia than there is in this country. I'm speaking of the last year or two not prior.

Interview provided courtesy of QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS.


The Sovreign Scribe

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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

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Interview with Al Bialek
AB: Alfred Bialek
SS: Sovereign Scribe
TC: Tracy Cooper
DG: Danielle Graham

(Date unknown; Source: Matrix III)

SS: I have a basic question which might be a good starting off point. Could you give me a thumb-nail sketch of how you make a battleship disappear? I know it takes generators ... now what do you do?

AB: A thumb-nail sketch is you have to distort the normal time field. In the case of what they were doing, they were rotating the time field in which the ship itself sat. If you rotate it at about 45 degrees it becomes invisible, if you rotate it 90 degrees it drops out of our reality and that's not what they wanted to do.

The basic technique, just in thumb-nail, is that you rotate the time field. Consequently radar signals will pass right through it like it doesn't exist. If you rotate it far enough, optically it doesn't exist. It would not be visible to the eye under normal observation.

SS: What is the time field?

AB: The time field is an extension of our physical reality. According to Einstein it is a physical dimension. In other words it's the fourth dimension.

SS: And can be moved?

AB: It can be manipulated, let's put it that way. It can be interfaced, it can be manipulated. You can do things with it. Consequently you do things with whatever is in that area of field that you're manipulating.

SS: Are you moving it with magnets?

Ab: You're moving it with electromagnetic fields and R.F. fields, however the means of modulation of those fields are such that it generates higher order fields. In other words, you're not going to affect the time fields with a plain, ordinary electromagnetic radiation.

SS: What's an R.F. field?

AB: Radio Frequency. The same thing as a radio of TV or whatever.

SS: So it takes a combination of the two.

R.F. field interacting in a certain manner and with additional equipment to produce higher order fields which will rotate the time field.

SS: If an object or a person is either brought forward or backward through a time tunnel, doesn't this create a "paradox" because of the object not belonging to that particular time?

AB: Yes, you do.

SS: Was that a problem?

AB: No it w as not a problem, so far as I know. I can only speak about Montauk. They regularly sent people through the time tunnels and brought them back. They did send some objects through the time tunnels with no intention of bringing them back at that time. Sort of like storage at a distance. I understand from what Dr. Herman Entenman said, was that on some of those occasions they lost what they sent out because the tunnel collapsed due to failure of the equipment. So the tunnel collapses and disintegrates. Whatever is out there is just atoms lost in eternity, so to speak. But other than that, no, they had no problems in sending something out and later retrieving it, whether it was a person or an object.

The real problem came when you made deliberate attempts, which were done, to alter the past history and alter what happened to certain people. That had an inroad effect on me. Something was done involving an alien that was shipped backwards in time; roughly 100,000 years ago. And also to my brother, I'm not sure what the time period was. I would estimate from what he said, about 12,000 years ago, maybe less, wherein something from a more recent time was forced back upon him and changed his whole nature.

SS: Where did the writers of the movie The Philadelphia Experiment get their information?

AB: That is a very long and interesting story. I wondered about that myself and we assumed, for a period of time, that that information came in mostly as speculation on the pan of the actual producer. I know who it is, but his name does not appear on the credits and he doesn't want his name known. But he asked Preston (Nichols) over a period of time from 1982 to 1983 a lot of questions about the Philadelphia Experiment, and Preston knew quite a bit about it, at that time, he finally admitted it, and answered this guy's 1001 questions, as it were. And this guy became the actual director of the film. We assumed that he expanded with his own speculation on this because some of it in there is not true, but it was based largely on Preston's information and his own expansion on it.

Turns out that wasn't the case at all. We did a lecture in New York in 1989. Preston, Duncan and myself were invited to talk about the Phoenix Project and the Philadelphia Experiment, which we did. Officially it was not video taped, but it privately it was. A copy of this thing somehow wound up over in England and got to EMI Thorn and got to someone in archives.

Well, they came to New York and looked up Preston. They found Preston's address and came to his home one evening and said, "We've finally found you." Preston says, "What do you mean?" He says, 'Well we've been looking for you for quite a while. You're the fourth man in the picture."

Preston says, "What picture are you talking about?" He showed him a photograph of a family portrait that was made in 1890 of the Thorn brothers of Thorn Industries. One of the backers of the organization was none other than Aliester Crowley and this fourth person who was apparently a bit older. The fourth person was identical to Preston except he looked approximately 10 years older than Preston looked, say a year ago. And they knew that this fourth person was important and Crowley insisted at that time that this man was not of their time, meaning the time of 1890. He was out of the future, and this guy gave him the whole history of the boat experiment and it had been in the archives of EMI Thorn since 1890.

It was some time in the 60's or 70's EMI Corporation and Thorn Industries merged and they decided to do a movie. The decision to start it was in 1983 and they came to the US. to do the filming. But they said that they had the actual record of the experiment in their archives since 1890.

SS: And you're saying Preston brought it back?

AB: Preston brought it back according to the statement made by Crowley at that time and according to the records in the archives.

SS: We'd like to clarify some things from the presentation. How old are you now?

AB: By my birth certificate 63. By adding the additional years when I was actually born I would be 73. In terms of real time not counting age regression I'd be 63 plus 30 which is 93 plus the time I spent on various secret government projects such as the Phoenix Project where they were doing the right brain / left brain split type thing, a sort of conjugate personality thing. They do this now to get you to work on two different projects at two identical times practically as two different people.

SS: So you've lived over 93 years in a 63 year old body?

AB: yes.

SS: Were you speculating that the Philadelphia Experiment was a set up by the aliens?

AB: It very definitely was a set up. Right now it is very definite. There was speculation a couple of months ago 'cause some of the pieces were just beginning to come into view. The whole thing was a setup.

SS: What tipped you off that it was an alien setup?

AB: Finally getting some data on Roosevelt's agreements, where he signed an agreement with the aliens in 1934. I started looking in on this and it started to make some kind of sense.

The Pleiadians were turned down in 1953 again when they insisted one of the points they required if they were to work out a deal with the US. Government was that they must scrap all their nuclear weapons. Well the US. government was just not ready to do that, not in 1953. So they were turned down politely and along came the greys and they made an agreement with them.

But again back in 1933 was Roosevelt's agreement with the "K's" and because of that in 1934 the Pleiadians went over to Nazi Germany and worked something out with them. But there you had across the Atlantic two powers which were getting ready to fight each other. There was one ET-group on one side of the Atlantic passing us technical information, it's going to be fairly obvious that it's very likely that there's going to be another one on the other side of the Atlantic feeding information to try and keep some kind of a balance, particularly one of them was concerned with the survival of a major segment of the human race.

I finally got confirmation from a number of people. The original confirmation, I understand there are hard copy notes on this, comes from Billy Meyers in Switzerland.

TC: What does E=MC2C2 light reciprocal mean?

AB: That would be C to the 4th. That does not have meaning other than that would rotate you into one of these hyperspacial locations which is C to the 4th and you would be out of the electromagnetic and you would pass into one of the etheric domains.

TC: Would it be accurate to say that when they made the Eldridge disappear what they do is just rotate it into another dimension?

AB: That's what happened but that's not what was intended. What was intended was to rotate the time field so that there would be no reflections of either light energy or electromagnetic energy which is essentially the same as a matter of the frequency.

TC: So they isolated the time dimension.

AB: Yes, and rotated it and that was all they woe intending to do. But that of course is not all that happened.

TC: They ended up rotating the entire...

AB: ... localized field around the ship.

TC: How can you begin to understand that?

AB: Because I not only had all the physics training then but also the specialized training which came from von Neumann because he understood it. At the time when you graduate from the standard physics course even at the best universities today, even a Ph.D., you don't really know what's going on because that's information that's withheld. An understanding comes later. All that is a basis for laying the groundwork for understanding. The real understanding of what's happening has to come from private tutoring. This is why the Illuminati has survived so long because there is a hard basis of knowledge there, as well as ability. But von Neumann had figured it out, along with Hilbert, and his interface with Hilbert and perhaps Einstein and Levinson.

TC: What would you say to a person who had a physics background who wants to have a deeper understanding, how would they pin it?

AB: How? Hmmm. You would have to study currently some of the literature and information put out by Tom Bearden, for one example. But you have ,to be careful also about Tom Beardon because he also puts out some disinformation. You have to filter it very carefully. He does put out some good information but every so often he puts a corkscrew in there, and that's particularly true in some of his reference to the weather control generated by the Russians. It's not. We have our own. And some of the other things, some of the other basic physics which refers to the bouncing electron in the atomic shell that's real for a period of time and then virtual for a period of time. Well that aspect's correct. But he says when it becomes virtual, it goes into a reverse time universe, then it falls into the anti-matter universe. Anti-matter universe is NOT reverse time. There is a reverse time universe and there's an anti-matter universe. So that is disinformation right there. And what he describes is partially correct, but not fully correct.

TC: So where else would you look for more information?

AB: Where else? I'd say look into some of Von Neuman's works. He has a list of 15 books and some of them are not at all relative to this. He does have some of the information and some of the works which definitely tie back to the theoretical approach which was made.

TC: But there's no way we can get ahold of the time equations, is that correct?

AB: Most likely, no. It is highly classified.

DG: Regarding the boat experiment, was it because they generated too much energy that it took them beyond their anticipated results or was there an alien manipulation that actually generated the field in such a way that they went beyond their expected results?

AB: No, just the rotation of the field itself would not create the problem. It was the fact that they locked up with another experiment which brought them far beyond the 6th level which they were capable of generating on the Eldridge. They had to be capable of generating 6 levels in order to get 5, and 5 is what they had to have in order to rotate the time fields. Uh, you lose one in there, so to speak. You manipulate from the highest level what is below, that's why they had to go to 6 to get manipulation of the 5th. But that of itself would not have done what happened. You have to have additional orders and you have to have other factors which cause the lock up.

DG: One of the things that's really interesting about this video that we've seen is you and your brother's unique approach to understanding time, since you have experienced time in a very nonlinear fashion. When you've created a loop like the loop that was created between 1943 and 1983 with regards to locking up of the two different experiments, how does that loop ever break?

AB: It doesn't. It is there and it remains there but after a certain period of time it probably won't have any effect. When you get 20 years past 1983 it's not likely to have any problem at all anymore. You don't lose it, you don't remove it. It just doesn't have any effect anymore. It's already had its effect by the transit and when you come back.

DG: Does it disperse?

AB: No, it's just something that stays there and exists like a smoke trail in the sky. It's there and they slowly dissipate over a long period of time.

(Regarding the boat experiment) Nothing was told to us about travel, only what we were doing in terms of that experiment. We had no expectation of anything like that happening. It was neither planned and wanted, or expected. It just plain happened.

I don't regret that aspect. The only thing I have sometimes thought about and question whether I have regrets about it is whether or not we might have all been better off if instead of letting Duncan go back to 1983. I'd held him there on the ship so he couldn't jump overboard the second time, until the ship returned to normal space/time. He wouldn't have been back through that experience and dead. Things would have been different. Whether or not they would have been better is a wild speculation, and strictly speculation. But it definitely would have been different. I was not in a position to really anticipate what he was going to do. He gave no warning he was going to do it. The movie says otherwise, but of course the movie has a lot of speculation in it that he planned to go back because of his girlfriend. Well there was no girlfriend in the other end, in fact, it was a disaster for him.

TC: What is your understanding of anti-matter?

AB: Oh, that comes out of Von Neumann. Von Neumann was very much aware of it. And there is a lot of work done on it now. Today we deal in speculation in physics about antimatter. And, of course, there is discussion, both in the realm of science fiction and in physics about what you could do to create energy from a matter/anti-matter interface without creating an unbelievably powerful bomb which could be very, very disastrous. But there's a lot of speculation on that now as to the two universes, and if you got matter from one into the other what would happen? Can you control the reaction and how much energy could it create? That is speculative at the present time.

In addition to that, it's a little bit more than speculative because you have the aspects of the U.F.O. ships that have been turned over to our government out in Nevada. That has been discussed.

Bob Lazar has discussed the business of the element 115 and the fact that they use it to generate anti-matter and the anti-matter generator source and from that they amplify gravity waves and this is what they use for their drive system. Now there's no technology like this on earth. He says that there's no way we can replicate it. He said furthermore, there's no way we can come up with atomic element 115 in any quantities because it requires a totally different physical environment to produce it. Though he says our government has perhaps some 500 pounds of the stuff. And it is incredibly powerful.

He said he was hired because of what they called an "unscheduled nuclear event", in which a number of scientists were vaporized. They had to go out and hire replacements for them. And he got the word. He was at Los Alamos working as a physicists. He heard about this and went down and talked to EG and G and apparently he was accepted and then he was actually put on the Navy payroll, is what he says, then he went to Los Alamos and eventually wound up working on the UFO's and UFO problems and related things.

His comment was that they don't have enough really qualified people. They don't understand what's going on. They don't really understand what's going on with this, and he says it's also impossible to produce element 115 on Earth. This had to have been brought in. Yet they have this technology them. He says its definitely not built there. He says he can say that very flatly as a physicist. Ther's no way we can build this, not in this century. 50 years from now, who knows. Maybe 20 years from now.

(Regarding time tampering, its implications and free will:) ...Things could be manipulated in our future basis to alter the time line, as it were. Again to alter it on a major basis, it would be a minor thing for an individual. If it be a major basis it would affect the whole planet, depending on what effect it had.

Now free will still plays, then the (time) line shifts and the whole reality scenario changes, after it changes you still have free will but, I understand the basis of your question: is it sort of like a higher order reality coming down and hitting you over the head and after the stroke is over you go back to playing your little game of reality as you know it, or as I know it or anybody else knows it. It does raise some serious questions, yes. And how much free will do we really have? In other words, who else ... lets say, who else has more free will than us?

TC: Back to this time limit, they isolated the time field with the Eldridge, would you agree with Bearden that the time dimension is the connection with other dimensions, with the higher order dimensions?

AB: Yes, basically.

TC: How so?

AB: Time dimensions involve the 4th and 5th dimensions but your anti-matter universe is also locked in, but it's not locked in that way, it's locked in the 6th dimensional level and also the 11th. And you get throught his whole, strange arrangement, you get into, through higher order time manipulation, you get into areas of other universes. Now that's not completely answering your question in terms of what Bearden is saying. But, like I say, he's correct at least as far as I understand what he's saying, and I'm not sure I understand all of what he's saying because I haven't read it all.

Time is, in a larger sense, in reality, a dimension. But it is not something which we, in our level here, really understand, and we certainly don't see it. We only see the effects.

(Regarding Bearden) ... his real job now is still defense analysis and strategy analysis; the same thing he did in the military he's doing for private corporations. And he also appears to be still connected with Intelligence. He says he's retired but I have my own personal doubts about that because of certain things he says. But most of the research and he said this he has had to make dear at his public lectures, when he starts talking about the Russian work, the UFO's and the weather modification and all of what he said, this is my own research, it has not come out of government classified sources, it is not infringing on government classified information or privileged information. He said, this is my own research; it's totally separate. He's quite clear about this and I'm sure he's quite correct because he would be in an awful pile of trouble.

There's only one area where he stuck his nose out and he's gotten himself in trouble, and that was when he spoke out about AIDS, the causes and cures of AIDS. He has his book: AIDS: Biological Warfare; and it's a bombshell. And he got more than got his wrists slapped over that because he stated very flatly the causes and the potential cures, (accurately,) for the most part. He alluded to the electromagnetic cures but he also did not point out, though I haven't read the book in full, he accurately states there is no electromagnetic connection. There certainly is in so far as the triggering mechanisms are concerned.

The virus gets into the body. The body, if it's working at all, and you're not already 3/4 dead, the immune system automatically puts up a defense to the virus and isolates it. And then it sits there in the body for "umpteen" periods of time. It may run 6 months, it may run 10 years and nothing happens. Sometimes it never happens with a person. They've got the virus in them all this time. They'll get an HIV plus reaction on the test because of the antibody reaction with the chemicals they use in the testing. But that doesn't mean the person automatically is going to come down with the disease. Its not automatic.

There are other factors involved. The weakening of the immune system and triggering the mechanism of the reproduction of the virus. Anything that triggers it such as pulsed electromagnetic fields will start it going, that's why most of your AIDS cases are in the big cities, and very little in the rural are". You go well north of Denver there are no charted cases as such.

SS: Why is that, because there are just free floating electromagnetic waves?

AB: It's because of the concentrated electromagnetic pollution in our big cities. The major problem seems to be our TV stations. The fact that they use pulsed transmission, class D transmission for higher efficiency and to get a better picture out further and also to avoid some of the problem in reception. They also additionally use circular polarization. But the pulsed transmission as characteristics of a TV, they can do this on AM, they can not do it on FM. It's very, very complex and very difficult. But with the signal for TV, which is AM, or for the Voice of America AM broadcasting facilities which are all over Africa and various places around the world, which are now running megawatts of power, there are also class D pulse modulation. And this stuff generates enormous harmonies and is very disruptive to the body's physiology. This may be the key to what's going on with the AIDS, the rise of the cases in the cities.

But he (Beardon) got into this and he got into the fact that the government knows the cause and they probably know the cure and boy, they came down on him. It's part of the government policy, they don't want a cure for AIDS - it's part of the population control program. The Navy did a private estimate a couple of years ago on a classified study how many people were likely to come down with AIDS by the year 2000, as an example. Their computer studies said by the year 2000 there will not be man or beast, vertabrea beast, on the face of the earth that doesn't have the virus in him. And they don't know how many will succumb or how long it will be if there will even be a human race left.

That was the Navy's study. It was highly classified. A friend leaked it and the Navy couldn't quite kick him out bemuse of that. He was violating security but they didn't want to do it on that basis because you see if they fire him for violating security he has the right to know why and he can make it public. And that was not something they wanted public. So they didn't fire him over that. They found another means and they got rid of him, killed his clearance and dumped him. But he went public on that thing and that was the Navy's study and Beardon is saying the same thing. It's going to start increasing at a geometric progression rate, and he says it will be getting in the next 5 years way out of hand. It's already way out of hand in Africa.

TC: These class D pulse modulations, do you have to have a TV to process it in order for it to be harmful?

AB: No, it has nothing to do with the receiver. It's the transmitting signal itself. If you're sitting close to a transmitter or within reasonable distance; you would have to establish a criteria of field strength, and I don't know what that threshold is on this, but if you're radiated by the signals from the transmitter, if you're reasonably close to the actual physical tower, the transmitter, you're getting radiated, it's going to affect you physiologically.

Now there's a very good example of this. Measurements were made of this in Portland, Oregon. Oregon is perhaps unique in this in that they have all of their FM, AM, and TV transmitters upon Mt. Olympia, and it's an ungodly collection of transmitters in one location. Right next to this transmitter site are all kinds of residences, people living there.

The rate of leukemia is very high in Portland in that area; and one private doctor did a private study on this to try and correlate what is doing this, what's going on, looked back in the case histories, the family histories, etc.. He found out that people that lived in the vicinity of those transmitters came down with this particularly nasty form of leukemia and he finally determined that if they lived there long enough the rate of succumbing to leukemia was 100%. There were no exceptions. If they moved away from that area they would recover as long as they didn't have it fatally already.

The physiological symptoms in the sites of the transmitter within a mile or so were severe, very severe. The people knew it, in some cases and they just got the sense and said, "I don't like it here, let's go somewhere else," and they go someplace else and they get over it.

I was up in that site once with a friend Bill who was working as a chief engineer down at the local AM, FM and TV stations in Portland and he'd have to go up and do maintenance occasionally in that tower in the transmitter section. He says he hated to go up there. He says you're up there half an hour and your brain just scrambles, you can't think straight anymore.

You walk in the door and they have this fluorescent tube over the door, it glows day and night He told me, he says, "That's not wired to anything." I say, "What do you mean it's not wired to anything?" He says, "There's no connections. You can hold that thing in your hands and it will light up like a Christmas tree. That's how much RF is coming out of this building. We're subjected to that as long as we're in here., They have problems occasionally where the equipment just fries itself, particularly some of the solid state components which are highly susceptible to this sort of thing. He said, "You don't want to stay up here very long. I don't want to. I have to come up here to do maintenance. When go home I have quite a time getting over it. It takes overnight." It just scrambles the normal function of his brain. He can't think anymore as to what he's doing, what he's up there for, what tools to pick up, what he's actually working on. The continuity of thought is lost.

TC: This class D pulse modulation, is it scalar?

AB: No. It produces RF sidebands and harmonic sidebands which are damaging and it may produce some scalar components. I don't think anybody's done a good study on that. But it's not doing this deliberately if it is. See, all tube-type transmitters, and all of these are great big transmitter tubes, all produce some of the higher order energies, and some solar-type transmission without it being intended. This is one of the reasons why, any ordinary AM transmitter produces some of those higher order energies, and if you want overseas reception you have to use tube-type receivers particularly the types designed by T. Henry Morey and Tesla in the 1930's, to get a consistent reception from overseas. The solid state receivers are worth the powder to blow them for the most part, not the commercial ones. They do not work that well. They lose part of the components. They lose all the higher order energies which you need to reinsert in the processing in the signal in order to prevent the very severe fading effects which normally occur.

TC: Can they put the subliminal messages on CD's and cassette tapes ?

AB: Not readily on magnetic tape bemuse you have a very limited frequency range in which they work. They could probably do it on laser discs. They couldn't do it on a CD audio disc because your frequency range is too limited them

SS: Are there any things you can use to protect yourself from ELFs and these waves?

AB: Yes there, are devices available and I have one that might be one of them. I have not examined it, it's the first time I saw it. We'll have it measure it to see what it's putting out, take it apart and look at it. But there are devices that have been available and are still available that do help. There's more than one approach. The 7.83 hertz human resonance thing is one of the most reliable. It's only about 35% effective. It does not help everybody, but it is helpful.

The Soverein Scribe

P.O. Box 350

McKenna, WA 98558
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Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2017, 18:49
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение WILL »

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Зарегистрирован: 26 июл 2017, 02:15
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение elisagroup »

про это он говорил на Яху, что когда вращающийся диск внутри разрывает магнитный поток ровно в стенке Блоха (которая всегда образуется между двумя магнитами), обратного взаимодействия нет, то есть при нагрузке вторички, диск не притормаживается. и при таком способе генерации, он говорит, отсутствует нагрев. слова Смита...
Сообщения: 441
Зарегистрирован: 26 июл 2017, 02:15
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение elisagroup »

Ersh писал(а): 27 авг 2018, 13:47 Что интересно,по этой крутилке то почему нет видео работы сего девайса? И все верят что он выдает 50квт.
была такая демонстрация перед аудиторией, сняли фильм, но скрывают :negative:
Снимал тот же чел кто снял его интервью в офисе 1998 года, потом продавал на своем сайте.
Перевод фрагмента:

"В сентябре 1998 года Дон Смит дал восхищенной аудитории беспрецедентный взгляд на свой последний сверхединичный генератор . Несколько магнитов с катушками, включенными параллельно, разделяемих специальным материалом, который вращается микромотором постоянного тока, напоминает устройство Джона Эклина. Дон разработал способ пульсировать эти магниты, и, по его словам, энергетический потенциал находится в диапазоне тысяч ватт.
Сообщения: 441
Зарегистрирован: 26 июл 2017, 02:15
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение elisagroup »

А катушек там ведь всего 8, и каждый намотан двумя секциями включенными последовательно. Тут скорее всего имеется ввиду уже комбинирование этих 8 катушек которые выведены на клемной колодке, он потом их видимо параллельно подключал, что логично (но этого уже не видно)
Сообщения: 5026
Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2017, 18:49
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Откуда: Гиперборея
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение WILL »

Смит во много говоря о Ваттах поразумевае Вольты, так как для него это в последсвии одно и тоже.

Но узел преобразующий Вольты в Ватты остается всегда за ширмой.

И эта машинка с красными катушками и диском по центру, создает/вырабатывает Вольты.
По всем возникшим вопросам или предложениям обращаться по адресам!
Email: Will7718774@gmail.com
Email: Cerp2012@yandex.ru
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Сообщения: 903
Зарегистрирован: 23 июн 2017, 12:18
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение Jay80 »

В интервью Смит говорит,что вольты нужно понижать до,я пробовал и реально это работает,резистор паралельно входу трансформатора...
По сути я замыкал на резистор(искрил) и вместо 1000 и более вольт ,получал 200-300в на выходе
Аватара пользователя
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Зарегистрирован: 03 июн 2017, 22:12
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение Nikola »

elisagroup писал(а): 27 авг 2018, 16:49 Фото
На ,,Большом тороиде,, слева, две катушки и справа катушка. Если двигать по тороиду ту катушку что справа, будет ли иметь это какое то значение для настройки, как думаете?
Я думаю что будет. Настраивается это так. Сначала без разрядника находится место на тороиде, где на катушке будет наименьшее напряжение. Можно намотать, для контроля ещё одну такую катушку но сверху той что с разрядником. На ней без разрядника будет максимальное напряжение. Запускаем разрядник. Показания меняются местами. На той катушке что справа, теперь с работающим разрядником максимальное напряжение на той контрольной обмотке что слева, минимальные.
Если получилось именно так, можно двигаться дальше.

Почему никто не уточняет, как это показания напряжения меняются? Разве не странно, что на одном магнитопроводе две катушки и на одной катушке напряжение растет, при срабатывании разрядника, а на второй уменьшается?
Это уже какое то безразличие к работе бтг. :sorry:
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2017, 16:27
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение dynatron »

Плата нового инвертора :good:
Нараяна,=- ход за тобой))
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение dynatron »

WILL писал(а): 14 сен 2018, 21:39 Фото

может быть такое что выходная/съемная часть этой схемы это вот эти вещи?
Нет не может.. либо транс тесла на входной части, либо дипольная лампа с пластинами конденсатора...
а віходной транс преобразует холодное в обічное...
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Зарегистрирован: 23 июн 2017, 12:18
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение Jay80 »

Антон,лучше попробовать,раз такая идея пришла...
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2017, 16:27
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Re: Материалы по технологии Дональда Смита

Сообщение dynatron »

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Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2017, 18:49
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Откуда: Гиперборея
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Re: Обильная энергия присутствующая везде (брошюра) Д.Смит

Сообщение WILL »

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